Turkey Neck Bones - 1kg
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This is not a complete and balanced diet- should be fed alongside or as part of a balanced diet
It contains: Turkey neck bones
Turkey is a rich protein source and perfect for all life stages of cats and dogs. Protein is important for muscle growth and maintenance. It gives structure to cells and helps transport nutrients around the body. Turkey meat is a particularly rich source of B vitamins, including B3 (niacin), B6 (pyridoxine), and B12 (cobalamin) which have many health benefits for dogs and cats:
Vitamin B3 (niacin). This vitamin is important for efficient energy production and cell communication
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). This vitamin supports amino acid formation and helps produce neuro-transmitters
Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is vital for DNA production and the formation of red blood cells
Turkey is loaded with selenium, zinc, and phosphorus. Selenium helps the body produce thyroid hormones, which regulate your metabolism and growth.
Zinc is an essential mineral needed for gene expression, protein synthesis, and enzyme reactions
Appropriate feedings of bones promotes species appropriate dental hygiene mechanism in your dogs and cats by providing natural cleaning properties stimulated through chewing, ripping and tearing.
The calcium and phosphorus in Raw Meaty Bones is in its most natural state, readily absorbed by your dog and cat which is essential for growth, development and maintaining bone density.
Our turkey neck bones weigh between 250-400g.